
What is VISIA Complexion Skin Analysis?
The VISIA Complexion Analysis system provides the most comprehensive skin analysis available today, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatments for your specific needs.
This effectively captures essential information about specific areas of your skin and treatments can be tailored to help you meet your beauty goals. What does it do? This is used to evaluate the areas on your face affecting complexion health and appearance.
At Sedo, we prioritize your skincare needs and offer a range of personalized services. We provide a complimentary VISIA consultation. During this consultation, our dedicated Treatment + Product Specialist will guide you through the entire process. Once completed, we will review your pictures with you and based on the results, our Treatment + Product Specialist will design a tailored treatment and skincare program. This will address your specific concerns, targeting areas of improvement and providing you with a comprehensive plan to achieve optimal skin health.